SureSmile® Clear Aligners – Waverly, OH

A Clear Path to a Straighter Smile

While there are plenty of adults who wish they could have straighter teeth, most aren’t looking forward to the idea of wearing braces to work for two or three years. But here at Corcoran Privitera Family Dental, it’s possible to straighten your grin without metal brackets and wires thanks to SureSmile® clear aligners in Waverly. Not only is this option more image-friendly, but it will also let you enjoy all your favorite foods without restriction; you can just take the aligners out of your mouth when it’s time to eat! Call us to learn more about this convenient orthodontic option.

Man in dental chair smiling with SureSmile clear aligners in Waverly

Why Choose Corcoran Privitera Family Dental for SureSmile® Clear Aligners?

  • Fully Customized Clear Aligners
  • Down-to-Earth, Caring Dentists
  • Digital Dental Impressions

Are SureSmile® Clear Aligners Right for Me?

Digital impressions of teeth on computer screen

Clear aligners are recommended for patients who have mild to moderate orthodontic problems. They can help with common issues such as teeth that are too close together, upper teeth that don’t line up properly with the lower teeth, or unusually large spacing or gaps between the teeth. We will need to examine your smile thoroughly to determine whether or not SureSmile® clear aligners are right for you, so be sure to get in touch with us as soon as possible if you’re interested in this treatment.

SureSmile® Clear Aligners vs. Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Smiling woman with curly red hair

SureSmile® and Invisalign® have some similarities. Both involve a series of clear aligners that gradually move the teeth towards their more ideal alignment. The aligners can be removed during meals or for oral hygiene. However, SureSmile® usually costs less than Invisalign®, and it’s often the better option for more complex orthodontic cases. Of course, the most reliable way to learn about the benefits of a specific type of clear aligner is to schedule a consultation with one of our Peebles dentists.

Sure Smile FAQs

Closeup of a Sure Smile aligner

While they’ve been around for a while, Sure Smile clear aligners are still a relative newcomer in the world of dentistry. As a result, you may have questions about how these aligners work, how to wear them, and how they differ from traditional braces.

If you want to learn a little bit more about clear aligner treatment, here are a few of the most common questions we get about them.

How Long Does Sure Smile Take?

Typically, you can expect SureSmile treatment to take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to complete, depending on a few factors. For one, the severity of your misalignment will affect how long it takes for the treatment to finish. The amount of time you wear your aligners during the day is also a factor to consider.

While it may seem like 18 months is quite a lot of time, it’s worth noting that this is still considerably shorter than what it would take to straighten your smile with traditional braces.

Can You Eat with Sure Smile In?

While Sure Smile aligners are made of durable plastic, eating with them could potentially do damage over time if you aren’t careful. You could potentially damage your trays, or discolor them due to stains.

That said, one of the nice things about Sure Smile aligners is that they’re removable. So long as you take them off before meals, there’s no real limit to what you can eat. However, while wearing them, it’s recommended that you stick to just water.

Can Sure Smile Fix an Overbite?

One of the main functions of orthodontics is to fix bite issues, like over- or underbites. These can cause a lot of problems for the jaw in addition to their effect on your appearance. In some cases, Sure Smile aligners can deal with mild bite problems, especially with the use of attachments. However, if your bite problems are severe, you may need to talk to us about some additional options to deal with your issues.

How Do I Clean My Sure Smile?

There are a variety of methods for cleaning your Sure Smile aligners. For one, you’re often going to have to brush your aligners with a toothbrush after meals—just be sure not to use toothpaste, as abrasives may scratch up your teeth.

For deeper cleanings, you can find cleaning crystals and cleaning solutions designed for clear aligners at your local pharmacy. We’ll likely give you some when you first get your trays from us, and we’ll be happy to give you more if you run out.

Just be sure to never use household cleaners on your dental trays. You should also avoid hot water, as this may warp the plastic on your aligners.